I was sorting out the old beer cupboard when I realised I had a few mango alcohol free beers. I wouldn't say I'm an evangelist of fruit beers, but here we are. I'm writing about them and you're reading about me writing about them. Shall we make a start? First up was something that I pre-ordered. Not something I've done before with beer and not a style I've ever had before - Mash Gang Death Mall, a mango milkshake IPA. This was living dangerously. Not just because of the new style but because it included an ingredient that is banned in the States. The Tonka been. Similar to vanilla but know to cause lover problems, and even death, if consumed in great quantity. This is a refreshing fruity beer. Lots going on, but you can definitely get that vanilla edge with a beer essence to it. Not a bad start on my mango journey. Loving the work from Mash Gang at the moment and keeping a close eye on anything new on the market from them. Next was an controversial beer, but not...